get qualified advice and car seat recommendations
Vancouver and Fraser Valley Car Seat Safety
A local Facebook Group to connect with Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs) to discuss car seat safety and have your questions answered.
Vancouver Island Car Seat Technicians
GREAT information relevant to Canadians, as well as tech-approved car seat suggestions to fit any car, child and budget.
check for recalls
Transport Canada recall database
The information you’ll need to check for recalls will be located on a sticker on your car seat. The sticker lists the date of manufacturer and model number of your specific car seat.
current standards and legal requirements
Transport Canada: Child car seat safety
Buying and installing a child car seat or booster seat, recall notices, safety and testing information.
child passenger safety advocacy organizations
The Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada
The Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada is a national, not-for-profit corporation formed in 2011. Its members promote child passenger safety through public education, advocacy and training in children’s restraint systems (car seats and boosters).
Parachute Canada
Parachute, a national Canadian charity founded in 2012, promotes researched, evidence-based and expert-advised resources and tools that can help to prevent serious harm or death from preventable injuries.