about Safer Seats
Safer Seats was founded in 2015 to help give local caregivers confidence in their child’s safety when riding in a vehicle. We are a collective of independently operating Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST) certified through the Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada (CPSAC). The Safer Seats collective currently has technicians operating everywhere between Squamish and Chilliwack, BC.
Becoming a parent for the first time is challenging and often confusing; with all sorts of contradictory information being given between the government, health care providers, friends and family.
Though installing car seats shouldn’t be complicated, it can be an extremely daunting task for new parents, experienced parents and other caregivers.
Let us help you de-mystify installing your car seat, clarify best practices and get you to a place of confidence regarding your child’s safety in your vehicle.